20–21 Jul 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

SMART discovery of an unusual nulling, sub-pulse drifting pulsar

20 Jul 2022, 11:45


Sam McSweeney (CIRA, Curtin University)


We announce the independent discovery of PSR J0027-1956 with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in the ongoing Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) pulsar survey. J0027-1956 is an intermittent pulsar, with a nulling fraction of ~77%. This pulsar highlights the advantages of the survey's long dwell times (~80 min), which, when fully searched, will be sensitive to the expected population of similarly bright, intermittent pulsars with long nulls. A single-pulse analysis in the MWA's 140-170 MHz band also reveals a complex sub-pulse drifting behavior, including both rapid changes of the drift rate characteristic of mode switching pulsars, as well as a slow, consistent evolution of the drift rate within modes. The combination of nulling and sub-pulse drifting properties make this pulsar an ideal test bed for prevailing models of drifting behavior such as the carousel model.

Primary author

Sam McSweeney (CIRA, Curtin University)

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