22–23 Jun 2021
Australia/Perth timezone

The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey. First discoveries and the low-frequency pulsar population

23 Jun 2021, 11:50
VCS Science


Nicholas Swainston (Curtin University)


One of the unsolved problems of pulsar physics is the discrepancy between the neutron star birth rate derived from core-collapse supernova rates, and that derived from the observed radio pulsar populations. One method to increase the accuracy of our pulsar population simulations is to improve our understanding of the relatively unexplored low-frequency parameter space.

The Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) pulsar survey has made its first pulsar discovery, PSR J0036-1033, after processing only $\sim$1% of data. I will discuss how this discovery, along with the survey's growing number of detections of other, known pulsars, informs pulsar population statistics.

Primary author

Nicholas Swainston (Curtin University)

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