In this talk, we will show recent science updates from MWA Japan. In particular, we first highlight the MWA ultralow (75-100 MHz) data analysis. In this work, using 15 hours of MWA Phase I data, we analyzed the systematics related to the ultra-low frequency observation such as the ionosphere and RFI. Based on the careful investigation, we selected 6 hours of clean datasets, and the best upper limits have been obtained on the 21cm power spectrum at z=15. We also show theoretical prediction for the constraints on the AGN luminosity function from the 21cm line imaging by assuming the MWA observation. As AGNs create a unique 21cm line profile, we can count the number of the AGNs at high redshift. Using the number of AGNs, we can constrain the model of AGN luminosity function. Finally, we will briefly introduce on-going projects.