22–23 Jun 2021
Australia/Perth timezone

hyperdrive: New MWA calibration software

22 Jun 2021, 12:50
EoR Science


Dr Christopher Jordan (Curtin University )


hyperdrive is a spiritual successor to the Real-Time System (RTS) calibration software commonly employed by the MWA EoR team, but with a focus on usability, testing and efficiency. It currently operates similar to André Offringa's calibrate program, but is 2-3x faster and supports many more input and output formats. At the time of writing, comparisons with the RTS are forthcoming, although it is anticipated that the calibration results are comparable while completing calibration faster and using 25x fewer GPU-equipped-supercomputer nodes. Also of note is that it is written in Rust, not C++, and supports using GPUs for further accelerated processing. The homepage is here: https://github.com/MWATelescope/mwa_hyperdrive

In this talk, I will detail why hyperdrive exists, its design philosophy, and its next steps over the coming years.

Primary author

Dr Christopher Jordan (Curtin University )

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