7–8 Dec 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

Solar Science with the MWA : Status and Plans

7 Dec 2022, 13:00
SHI Science


Divya Oberoi (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune India)


It has been an exciting year for the solar science group of the MWA. We have had significant developments on both fronts - developing novel calibration and imaging alogrithms and pipelines, as well as using them to pursure novel science. On the techniques front the sperctro-polarimetric snapshot images from our pipeline now defines the state-of-the-art and achieve polarisation purity on par with quality non-solar radio images. On the science front our explorations have ranged from the weakest non-thermal emissions ever detected from the quiet Sun to the strong radio emissions associated with the drivers of space weather and are yielding very interesting insights and discoveries. I will present an overview of the different aspects of work we have been pursuing over the past some time along with our plans for the near future.

Presentation length Either is fine, depending upon how tight the schedule is

Primary author

Divya Oberoi (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune India)


MWA Solar Group On behalf of

Presentation materials

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