7–8 Dec 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

Refining the 200 MHz Local Radio Luminosity Function

7 Dec 2022, 10:30
GEG Science


Tamsyn O'Beirne (ICRAR)


We revisit prior work on the 200 MHz local radio luminosity function (RLF) to produce the most accurate measurement to date. We combine the low-frequency (70 − 230 MHz) Galactic and Extragalactic Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) survey with the 6dFGS spectroscopic survey. We build on recent work (Franzen et al., 2021b) by (a) including source previously excluded (‘A-Team’ radio sources and other bright sources missed, (b) using radio morphology and radio-far-infrared correlation to confirm, or in some cases, refine the radio source classification, (c) imposing an upper redshift limit of z = 0.1 and (d) using the Page & Carrera (2000) method for more accurately determining the RLF. This last choice allowed us to use Poisson uncertainties when fitting the RLF. The reassessment of the source classification led to 26 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) from F21 being reclassified as active galactic nuclei (AGN). The sample included 19 new sources including four A-Team sources, 13 new AGN and two bright local SFGs (NGC 254 and M 77). The morphological classification allowed us to identify samples bent, S-shaped and one-sided AGN. The overall RLFs for SFG and AGN are similar to before with slight changes at the bright and faint ends where small numbers sill hamper accurate measurements. From their WISE colours only a small fraction (∼ 15%) are found to have high (>0.01) Eddington accretion rates.

Presentation length 15 minutes

Primary authors

Tamsyn O'Beirne (ICRAR) Nick Seymour

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