7–8 Dec 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

GLEAM-X: Where are we at and what's next?

7 Dec 2022, 10:50
GEG Science


Kathryn Ross (ICRAR - Curtin University)


The GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA eXtended(GLEAM-X) survey boasts twice the resolution and up to an order of magnitude higher sensitivity to its predecessor the GLEAM survey. In 2020, observations for GLEAM-X were completed and the first data release was published earlier this year covering 2,000 square degrees down to an RMS noise level of <1.5 mJy/beam. The team is now working on the second data release covering an RA range from ~20h to 6h. In this talk, we will present the status of the GLEAM-X survey, lessons learned on ionospheric behaviour and update timelines for the next early data release to collaboration.

Presentation length short

Primary authors

Kathryn Ross (ICRAR - Curtin University) Natasha Hurley-Walker (Curtin / ICRAR)

Presentation materials

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