7–8 Dec 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

Pathological Systematics and Where to Find Them

7 Dec 2022, 09:25
EoR Science


Dev Null (Curtin)


There are many ways in which systematics can manifest within a radio telescope signal chain. Some are easily understood and trivial to mitigate, while others can compromise data quality in subtle ways if they evade detection. An extensive ecosystem of tools has been built around the detection of various kinds of defects, each with its own strengths and flaws.

The MWA EoR group has developed their own approach to this problem, using Nextflow to apply novel statistical and signal processing techniques to MWA data at an unprecedented scale. Dev presents a taxonomy of systematics that this pipeline has uncovered, and an overview of the methods used to detect them.

Presentation length long

Primary author

Dev Null (Curtin)

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