7–8 Dec 2022
Australia/Perth timezone

A Review of MWA Polarisation

8 Dec 2022, 08:00
Polarimetry Science


Sam McSweeney (CIRA, Curtin University)


Calibrating the MWA as a dual-polarised instrument is notoriously difficult, evidenced by the fact that even our latest beam models and calibration algorithms produce solutions that demonstrably contain frequency-dependent phase errors between the two polarisations. In this talk, I will present an overview of the basic problem using a combination of intuitive and mathematical arguments, and briefly outline some of the approaches (known to me) that different groups have implemented to overcome it, including some musings on the possible role that pulsars could play in the solution. I will argue that despite the heroic efforts of multiple groups, we still lack a fundamental understanding of how the remaining phase errors are creeping into our calibration solutions in the first place. I will conclude by advocating for a more centralised approach to solving the problem, as well as to making known solutions and workarounds more accessible to the broader MWA community.

Presentation length long

Primary authors

Sam McSweeney (CIRA, Curtin University) John Morgan

Presentation materials

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