Aug 28 – 30, 2024
BC Building, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Pulsars and Fast Transients with the MWA

Aug 29, 2024, 3:20 PM
BC01 (level 0) (BC Building, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL))

BC01 (level 0)

BC Building, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)

Rte Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Presentation Pulsars and Fast Transients (PFT) Pulsars and Fast Transients


Ramesh Bhat (Dr)


Pulsars and Fast Transients (PFT) ​science with the MWA leverages high-time-resolution science capabilities developed around the voltage capture system (VCS) functionality​, and ​the associated software sub-systems and processing pipelines. I will present a​n overview of the current capabilities ​around MWAX + VCSBeam, as well as select highlights from the past accomplishments, including the recent successful completion of the data collection process for the ambitious SMART survey project, ​which will enable the most sensitive southern-sky pulsar survey in the SKA-Low's frequency band. With the discoveries of several new pulsars and low-frequency detections of 200+ known pulsars, SMART is already beginning to show promise. I will update on recent progress and science highlights, ongoing PFT projects, including near-future plans for ​a data release from ​the SMART. The PFT science and development with the MWA presents a range of opportunities for sub-system development, software and HPC, and spans multiple science areas including passive radar applications and cosmic ray detections. I will also remark on ​potential new science opportunities with the transition to Phase 3 and prospects for real-time processing of MWAX VCS data, which ​will facilitate the MWA ​e​merging as a powerful low-frequency monitoring facility for pulsars and fast transient science.

Timeslot preferences 30 min would be great

Primary author

Presentation materials